Clarinet MiniFest is back! April 21, 2018 will be a day of exciting events for all levels of clarinetists—students, teachers and performers alike. The MiniFest will feature master classes, special topic breakout sessions and performances by our guest artists, and a clarinet ensemble finale!
We enthusiastically welcome as our guest clinicians world-renown clarinetists Mark Nuccio of the Houston Symphony and Robert Dilutis from the University of Maryland School of Music and our very own C3 clarinetists here in the Greater Cincinnati Area. In addition, MiniFest will include product displays from our sponsors: Buffet Crampon, D'Addario, Lohff and Pfeiffer and Buddy Rogers Music along with other vendors and college music program displays.
Prizes, freebies and a raffle are all part of the fun!
Mark Nuccio is sponsored by Buffet Crampon.
DATE: Saturday April 21, 2018
TIME: Check-in, Breakfast and Registration 8:30am with Ensemble Rehearsal at 9:00 and Sessions from 10 am - 4 pm and Closing Concert at 4:15pm.
LOCATION: Walnut Hills High School
COST: $50. This registration fee is inclusive of C3 membership for one-full year. All event, activities and masterclasses are free to members.
MARK NUCCIO Mr. Nuccio officially began his position as Principal Clarinet with the Houston Symphony Orchestra in the 2016-17 season after seventeen years with the New York Philharmonic. He also serves as clarinet faculty at the University of Houston's Moore School of Music.
ROBERT DILUTIS Mr. DiLutis is currently the Professor of Clarinet at the University of Maryland, School of Music, College Park and is Principal Clarinetist of the Annapolis Symphony Orchestra. Mr. DiLutis previously served as Professor of Clarinet at the Louisiana State University School of Music from 2009-2012, and has held positions with the Rochester Philharmonic Orchestra, San Antonio Symphony Orchestra and the Eastman School of Music.